Project Brief

In this project we had to research, design, and execute a new word mark for any existing restaurant of our choice or we could also invent out own. I desided to invent my own resterant. For the first part of this assingment we had to select an appropriate font and visual that would be integrated into the word mark. The visual should be proportional to the type. Our process had to include research, concept development, thumbnails/sketches, refinement, and production excellence.

For the second part of the project, we started to create the look and feel for the restaurant's brand. To build on that we created a complete menu and website that supported the tone of our brand. And then the final menu was completely mocked up.


Sobremesa is a Mediterranean restaurant in oakville. It is right down on the Sixteen Mile Creek, with a brilliant view over the harbor. With ethentic Meditranien food, Sobremesa serves a classy eurapean feel. Sobremesa is the perfect place for dates to dinner partys. They welcome you to spending time relaxing after a meal to drink coffee, digestive liquor or to just continue hanging out chatting at the table, becouse thats what they are all about.

(905) 845-0231

56 Water St, Oakville, ON L6J 2Y3

menu mockup

Brand Guidelines

This is my initial brand guidelines as you will see the brand colours changed later in the process to give the brand a cleaner and more sophisticated look.


 white logo
Iowan Old Style
font used


  • White 

    RGB: #232323

  • Mustard 

    RGB: #d32326

  • Grey 

    RGB: #5d5a54

Menu and Lunch Insert

greek restaurant front
lamb chops and chips
 restaurant on beach
inside restaurant
inside restaurant


My website design meets these key goals of my audience

Accessibility- my website is accessible on a large variety of screens, text is clean and easy to read. Have the ability to zoom in. includes a better reservation service that doesn't require you to call in. Its quick, easy and can be done anywhere.

Informative- my website has all the information that they would require, and if they still have a question there is a section to contact them for more information.

Photos- my website includes a large variety of photos from food to location so the audience can get a preview of what they can expect.

Simplicity- my website is clean and not cluttered so that the audience can find what they're looking for easily. My forms are straightforward to fill out to limit confusion.

Visually appealing- as the audience is majority middle class a bad website would not interest them, so to make it more appealing, there are good quality photos and with appealing colours and layout. There are little animations to also draw and keep attention.

Below is a wire frame layout done on XD and below that is my final site done in Wordpress

Website wire frame
final website
final website